Poetry and Creative Writing Workshop. 2

The second edition of the poetry and creative writing workshop happened between October 29th, 2021, and April 15th, 2022, online.
The participants were students at the Technological High School in Lechința, and the Constantin Romanu Vivu, High School in Teaca, Bistrița-Năsăud, county, Romania.
Just like in the 1st edition of the workshop, we dedicated ourselves again to poetry, reading from Mary Oliver, William Wordsworth, e.e cummings, Maya Angelou, and the Japanese haiku masters. We studied different structures and poetical forms that were adapted to the children's age and level of understanding and after each session, the children had one week to write their own poems in English.
The novelty in this edition was the collaboration with the director and dramaturge, Selma Dragoș from Cluj-Napoca, thereby, the workshop was split into two parts:
-in the 1st part children worked with Selma, developing their abilities in creative writing, and in the 2nd half of the workshop, children worked with Teodora, developing their poetic skills and writing in English.
The results were important and visible for children:
- their self-esteem increased.
- their state of belonging increased as they discovered the things, they shared in common during the time spent together.
- a safe and trustworthy space got created where children got the chance to share their personal lives and thoughts.
-they had the chance to work with people from other areas of activity.
We prepared some tangible results:
1. the second poetry book, written by the children and edited by Teodora Trișcă.