This OPEN CALL is for all the professionals and artists in the theatre field interested in being part of a unique educational experience.

School of Heart
School of heart is an ongoing educational process. It is an experimental and experiential educational space for children and youngsters. It is open for educators, teachers, facilitators, artists and for everyone who wants to actively participate in the educational process.
School of Heart encourages a contemplative education that supports the analytical and intellectual education.
Everything that the children get from these activities they will take in the classroom and in their everyday life.
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all" (quote attributed to Aristotle)
In the activities that we have created until now we practice and learn the things that connect us to the heart: creativity, love, dance, freedom, artistic expression, kindness and innocence.
We learn how to love.
We learn to be kind.
We learn to speak nice.
We learn to be in integrity.
In each project, there was this assumption that each child was already a diamond.
Each child has his/her style, and way of being.
Consequently, in all the projects the teachers observed the essence in each child, and through discernment, reflection, and the methods, they were made aware of their way of being.
They learned how to cultivate creativity. How to express their voice and how to overcome their fears while doing it.
In all the activities children were encouraged to think on their own. To think critically, innovative, and responsible.
Children were also encouraged to trust in themselves and their reasoning.
They were also taught how to approach different perspectives in their minds.
They were taught how to be responsible with their words and how to think clearly.
Collaboration was at the core of the activities. After courageously expressing their hearts, children practiced their way of thinking and expressed it authentically. The greatest joy came when they could share their opinions and their ideas.
Transparent and honest communication was encouraged.
They learned how to listen.
They learned how to ask and offer help.
They learned about teamwork.
Our Story
School of Heart started in Cluj-Napoca at Nicolae Iorga School. Teodora was tutoring the 7-th grade. It was a period rich with challenges, hardships but, also, there were moments filled with beauty.
This program happened during "Școala Altfel", at Liceul Tehnologic Lechința, Bistrița-Năsăud county. The participants were middle school students.
HAPPENING - Poetry and Dramatic Writing
The poetry and dramatic writing started on the 8th of November 2022 and it will finish on the 8th of April 2023.
Summer School -Teaca&Lechința-
The Summer School happened beginning on the 20th of July 2022 and finished on the 28th of July 2022. The locations for the summer school activities were the villages Teaca and Lechința in Bistrița-Năsăud, county.